Where does chicken pox start on body?

, severe rash Infections of the lungs or liver, meningitis Seizures that are often associated with fever ( febrile seizures)General severe infection with the virus strain from the vaccine. The day before the temp started he did have a runny nose. Some children can have chicken pox without spots but I think that’s quite rare. … Read more

Are chickens quiet?

Even though we’ve already determined that chickens, especially hens, are quiet animals, there are some breeds that are quieter than others. First off however is the fact that all chickens make noise, and roosters can make quite a bit of it. Chickens are loud for several reasons. Some breeds are louder than others. Hens are … Read more

How do chickens breed what is the term used?

In general, most of the work is done by the rooster, but when it comes to the logistics of breeding chickens, there are certain things you can do to control the end product (chicks) and make sure the actual breeding process goes smoothly. I’m assuming you already have your breeding flock chosen so that we … Read more

When do chicken start to lay eggs?

Signs Your Hen is Ready to Lay. Consider the Age of Your Chickens. Hens aren’t born ready to lay eggs from day one. How is your hen interacting with the rest of the flock? A few more things to look into are: she will start to explore the nesting area, look at the physical characteristics … Read more

Should you feed chickens bread?

Apples (make sure you remove the seeds before allowing them at it), strawberries, grapes, berries, peaches, fruit peels, and nearly every other fruit can be fed to chickens. Pumpkins & Squash are a great option when it comes to what to feed chickens, these can be fed raw or cooked to your chickens. “The bill … Read more

What chicken has green legs?

Mixing certain breeds almost inevitably results in green legged birds. An Araucana or Ameraucana (slate/ blue legs so they have the “leg pigment” plus white skin) mixed with RIR or BR or anything with yellow skin will inevitably result in green legged chicks either in the cross or somewhere down the line. A frequent query … Read more

Does chicken essence work?

The authors think that chicken essence increases mental relaxation, which in turn improves cognitive function. This supports a 1997 Singapore paper that suggests that Brand’s chicken essence ( very specific ) increases the level of serotonin in the brain. Chicken essence is an item that can be fed to prehistoric creatures to increase their rate … Read more

Where does chicken tikka come from?

Chicken tikka is a chicken dish originating in the Indian subcontinent; the dish is popular in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. It is traditionally small pieces of boneless chicken baked using skewers on a brazier called angeethi or over charcoal after marinating in Indian spices and dahi (yogurt)—essentially a boneless version of tandoori chicken. The main … Read more

Where does chicken food come from?

Chicken as food History. The modern chicken is a descendant of red junglefowl hybrids along with the grey junglefowl first raised thousands of years ago in the northern parts of the Indian subcontinent. A few extra ideas to think about are: cooking, breeding, edible components, health, and marketing and sales. Other terms are:’Biddy:’ a newly … Read more

What do chickens use their wings for?

Chickens need wings because if they didn’t have them then KFC couldn’t do their Family Feast box meals. Also there wouldn’t be any Hot Wings . So as you can see, if chickens didn’t have wings the world would be a darker place! Originally Answered: Why do chickens need wings? They need wings to fly. … Read more