Black, tarry stoolsblood in the urine or stoolschillsconfusioncoughdifficulty with breathing or swallowingfeverhivesitching, especially of the feet or handsmuscle or joint pain, and more items.
Chicken pox infection during pregnancy can affect the fetus via placenta and umbilical cord. If the mother is infected by varicella during 13 and 20 weeks of gestation a serious condition called congenital varicella syndrome affects the fetus.
Another frequent question is “Is it safe to have chicken pox during pregnancy?”.
Some authors claimed But to answer your questions, there is a very small risk in non-immune pregnant women that should they come into contact with chickenpox during their pregnancy and develop the disease, their unborn baby could be harmed. Chicken pox can potentially cause brain damage, failure of limb development, cataracts, other eye problems,.
What are the dangers of chickenpox?
, severe rash Infections of the lungs or liver, meningitis Seizures that are often associated with fever ( febrile seizures)General severe infection with the virus strain from the vaccine.
How many deaths are caused by chickenpox?
A crane lifts culled pigs into a container on a farm where 80 pigs died of swine fever on March 4, 2006 in Haltern, Germany.
What happens to your body when you get the chickenpox?
When you have chickenpox, your immune system makes proteins called antibodies. These fight the virus and then provide lifelong protection against it (immunity). Most people are then immune from further chickenpox infection for the rest of their lives. Occasionally some people do not develop enough antibodies that first time and may catch it again.
What happens if a baby is born with chickenpox?
A baby who has congenital varicella syndrome might develop skin scarring, and eye, brain, limb and gastrointestinal abnormalities. If chickenpox develops during the few days before you deliver to 48 hours postpartum, the baby might be born with a potentially life-threatening infection called neonatal varicella.
What happens if I get chickenpox (varicella) during pregnancy?
If you are pregnant and have chickenpox (varicella) — a highly contagious viral infection that causes an itchy, blister-like rash — you and your baby might face serious health risks. If you develop chickenpox during pregnancy, you are at risk of complications such as pneumonia. For your baby, the risks depend on the timing.
What are some natural remedies for chickenpox?
Baking soda is alkaline. Coconut water is a potent agent to deal with skin health issues. Lemon juice comes with vitamin C. Oats may help lighten even the most stubborn chicken pox scars. Coconut oil, cocoa butter, vitamin e honey, papaya scrub, and aloe vera gel are a couple more things to investigate.