When do chickens moult in australia?

This is called an annual molt. It will generally happen between September and November and your hens will be losing a majority of their feathers in a very quick amount of time. So if you’re noticing feather loss during this time of year it is perfectly normal.


Chickens moult whilst growing, then annually after their first year of egg-laying. The full or ‘annual’ moult takes place at the end of the summer or early autumn. A complete moult will usually take three to four months. To grow healthy new feathers, chickens need protein., and more items.

While we were researching we ran into the question “What happens when chickens moult?”.

If a hen is going to moult, her plumage will first, take on a very dull appearance although, the most prominent symptom of chickens moulting is feather loss. They will slowly lose their old feathers, and new feathers will grow in the place of old.

High-producing hens moult late and for a short period (no more than 12 weeks), and come back into production very quickly. Rapid moulting is seen not only in the wing feathers of good producers, but also in the loss of body feathers generally.

When do chickens molt?

The earliest, juvenile molt occurs when a chick is only six to eight days old. The chick loses its downy covering for actual feathers in this first juvenile molt. The second juvenile molt occurs when the bird is about eight-12 weeks old. The young bird replaces its first “baby” feathers with its second set at this time.

Another frequently asked inquiry is “When do chickens molt and what to expect?”.

Usually, a chicken’s first molt will occur at about 18 months old, but then they’ll likely molt annually after that. They will continue losing their feathers for about eight weeks, and then it might take them up to 16 weeks to grow all their feathers back.

I have 1 chicken with a bare back and 1 chicken with bare spots on its chest and stomache area and have a reduced egg production. A few more ideas to pay attention too are ibpboo, chickenmommy, mangled, farmer kittytexaschickmama, chickenmommy, ibpboo, and wynedot55s6bee.

When the Molting starts, put your chickens into a larger coop as they will be less mobile and prone to injuries. When your chickens start molting, their feathers become weak, and they look droopy. A few additional things to think about are all-over color change, lack of feathers, and weakness.

What age do hens moult?

Generally, complete moulting occurs from 1-6 weeks of age, and partial moulting at 7-9 weeks, 12-16 weeks and 20-22 weeks. During this final moult, the stiff tail feathers grow. The laying hen. Mature birds normally undergo one complete moult a year, usually in autumn.

Do chickens quit laying eggs when they molt?

Most chickens will stop laying eggs while molting. Molting typically occurs each year when sunlight hours are decreasing in the lead-up to winter. Chickens will spend anywhere between 8-16 weeks regrowing their feathers, and may not lay until after winter.