When do chickens roost?

Generally speaking, we have found that they start to roost at around 8 to 12 weeks. The reason for that is because when they’re chicks, they naturally want to huddle together in a clump on the floor, which is how they stay safe. If you think about it, in the wild they want to cluster under their mother.

This of course begs the inquiry “When do chickens roost for the night?”

Chickens will rarely go anywhere at night since they don’t see well at night. For that reason, they will try to find a safe place before it gets too dark. When daylight starts to get low around dusk, the chickens will make their way into the coop to roost. This is an instinct to keep themselves safe from predators at night.

Finally, roosting helps chickens to feel safe and this is important so that they can get a good night’s sleep and be fresh for the day ahead. When a chicken is feeling poorly, or they are molting, they will sometimes take themselves off to a perch and quietly hang out until they feel better.

Do chickens need to roost in their coop?

Let’s say mice can get onto it and are scuttling around at night; your chickens aren’t going to want to roost on that. Those are just some questions to ask. As stated before, roosting is very important, and making sure your coop has higher places for your chickens to sleep is a step towards making it 100% predator proof.

Do chickens need to sleep in the roost?

Bacteria in poop and muck is not the most sanitary place to sleep. Finally, roosting helps chickens to feel safe and this is important so that they can get a good night’s sleep and be fresh for the day ahead.

When a chicken roosts at night, it will settle down with its’ keel-bone resting on the perch between its feet. So, pressure from the bird’s weight is concentrated in three small areas – both feet and the keel. As you can see, a sharp, bumpy perch can cause problems in those areas.

So when we build a coop for our feathered friends we must put in enough roosting bars for them to rest on and sleep on at night. The height of the roosts will depend on the size of your chickens. Heavy breeds (like the Brahma) should have slightly lower perches so that they do not damage their feet or legs when they jump down.

How high should a chicken roosts be?

A general perch is somewhere to sit, have a quick nap, watch what’s going on, keep out of the way, etc. Examples would be the top of a gate, fence, barn rail, or similar. Roosting perches should be around 1.5 – 3 feet high, depending on your flock.

What time do your chickens go into the coop?

Our chickens trot on into the coop and roost between 5 and 6 pm. Our coop is pretty dark, without much natural light, so we have a small light in it especially now that the days are short.