A herd of cows will charge and trample someone if that person has a dog with them or if they’ve never seen a person stumble or trip and fall before. They may also charge (or just run away) if the person is a total stranger and makes certain sounds that cause panic and dissent in the herd.
While I was writing we ran into the question “Why do cows charge people?”.
Cattle may get aggressive when threatened, or they might just imitate to be aggressive. I have seen cattle charging towards a person when irritated. How should one react if a cow or bull comes charging towards him/her?
Dairy bulls are usually hand-fed and handled by humans, so they grow up thinking that humans are part of their herd. This throws off their “natural” herd instincts and causes some confusing behavior. This could contribute to them becoming more aggressive with age and capable of bull charge. Running with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain.
How to tell if a cow is charging?
Cows who are charging will have their heads down whereas those who are curious will run with their heads up. Before entering a field, look for visual cues that the cattle may be agitated. Signs include pawing the ground, wrinkling the nose or tossing the head. In these cases, definitely don’t enter the field!
What do cows do when they attack?
Group attacks can be surprisingly well-coordinated. When they’re feeling defensive, cows will gather in a circle, all facing outwards, lowering their heads and stamping the ground. When they’re feeling offensive, certain cows lead the charge .
Why do cows attack dogs?
Two of the victims were walking their dogs-and dogs are often a factor in cow attacks. Cows become agitated by the quick-moving dogs and attack the dog. When the owner steps in to try to save their dog, the cows turn on them. Sometimes, however, factors beyond anyone’s control can instigate aggressive behavior.
While I was reading we ran into the query “Why do cattle attack dogs?”.
Cattle will instinctively become aggressive towards a chasing dog when protecting calves, often following the dog as it returns back to its owner. Sharon Woods of The Ramblers Association explains that “spring and early summer are when cows feel most vulnerable to interlopers, but they can be spooked into reacting at any time of the year”.
Each year there are reports of people who have been attacked, or even trampled to death, by cows whilst out walking or approaching crags. BMC member Simon Coldrick was badly injured after a cow attacked him as he led a fell race on the edge of Sheffield.
How do we behave around cattle?
The way we behave around cattle can also be a factor. A herd’s curiosity towards someone walking through their field can be mistaken for animosity, and a walker’s impulsive actions can increase any perceived threat. Therefore, walkers are advised to remain calm and refrain from making any startling or quick movements when they come across cows.