What does the addax eat?

The addax are herbivores and their diet consists of desert succulents, leaves, Aristida grasses, herbs, perennials and small bushes (if available). They also feed up on Parnicum grass whereby they will only eat the inner shoots and seeds and disregard the dry, outer leaves. These seeds provide adequate protein in the addax diet.

You might be wondering “What does the addax eat in the desert?”

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Occasionally, the Addax will eat bark from a fallen tree, or even flowers, if they come across any that are moist and fresh. This helps them stay hydrated along with the grasses they enjoy. This variety of antelope is considered to be the most adept at living in a desert out of any variety of antelope a live .

What do Addax lizards eat?

Their main diet is desert grasses and bits of herbs. However, they are also known to nibble on acacia trees some of the time, when their favorites are not around. Occasionally, the Addax will eat bark from a fallen tree, or even flowers, if they come across any that are moist and fresh.

What is an addax?

The animals hooves are broad with flat soles and sport strong dewclaws to aid in walking in the soft sand The Addax is mainly a nocturnal animal, especially so in the summer. During the day they dig into the sand in shady locations to keep cool and safe from sandstorms Herds contain both males and females ranging from 5 to 20 animals.

The addax live in desert terrain where they eat grasses and leaves of what shrubs, leguminous herbs and bushes are available. Primarily grazers, their staple foods include Aristida, Panicum, and Stipagrostis, and they will only consume browse, such as leaves of Acacia trees in the absence of these grasses.

The addax is a herbivore. Their diet includes grasses, seeds and the young shoots of scrubs and succulents. They seek out melons which provide a good water source. One way they can survive in their arid environment is because they obtain most of their water from the food they eat. If they do find water they will drink.

How does the addax store water?

Scientists believe the addax has a special lining in its stomach that stores water in pouches to use in times of dehydration. It also produces highly concentrated urine to conserve water. The pale colour of the coat reflects radiant heat, and the length and density of the coat helps in thermoregulation.

How does an addax walk on the sand?

Under the throat is a small brownish beard. The hooves of an addax are well adapted for walking across sand. They splay which helps prevent them sinking in to the sand. Their legs are also shorter than most antelopes which gives them a lower center of gravity and helps them to walk across sand easier.