A: Because if it had four doors, it would be a chicken sedan. This joke is a pun. The word coop sounds exactly like the word coupe when pronounced using an american English accent (probably also other English accents as well, however I haven’t checked that out).
A inquiry we ran across in our research was “Why is there a second door on the chicken coop?”.
One source claimed a second door on the coop is normally used to access eggs and to clean out the coop. Here is a photo that nicely illustrates a “run” and two entrances to the coop:.
You see, for people who like their yolks funny side up. There’s something hilarious about chickens. Just watch one clucking about a farmyard for instant slapstick comedy. Perhaps that’s why there are so many chicken jokes out there.
What is the purpose of a run in a chicken coop?
This area is often called a “run” and provides the chickens with sunlight and exercise. The “run” also protects them from predators, such as foxes and hawks. A second door on the coop is normally used to access eggs and to clean out the coop. Here is a photo that nicely illustrates a “run”.
Look for spinal muscular atrophy symptoms. One or two hen doors which allow chickens to come and go when the weather is good . The second door is often a man-door which allows people to go inside and tend the birds, feed, and water. Seeing is easier than describing, here are some of my coops and how I’ve set them up:.
Is the word coop a pun?
This joke is a pun. The word coop sounds exactly like the word coupe when pronounced using an american English accent (probably also other English accents as well, however I haven’t checked that out).