The most common flea found on chickens is the sticktight flea (Echidnophaga gallinacea), followed by the european chicken flea (Ceratophyllus gallinae). Both fleas are found in tropical, subtropical, and temperate zones worldwide. In the United States, the sticktight flea is most abundant.
As it was already established, chickens can get fleas. Just as your dog or cat can bring home fleas, chickens have their own set of parasites. The season in which the contamination is most likely to occur is summer. Fleas may present a range of detrimental effects on your poultry, determining irritation and a general state of restlessness.
Fleas can be found worldwide and they can attack your chickens. Depending on the severity of the infestation, fleas can cause anemia, decreased egg production, emaciation, or even death of your chickens. You should do what you can to prevent fleas from reaching your chickens and if they do, treat the infestation quickly.
This of course begs the inquiry “Do chickens attract fleas?”
Yes, chickens can get fleas. Like any animal you introduce into your life, your feathery backyard friends bring with them a variety of pests that will follow them wherever they go. That is not to say that your chickens have fleas or will definitely get them someday. But parasites like fleas, lice, and mites rely on animals like chickens to survive.
Can chickens give fleas to dogs or cats?
If a chicken has fleas, it can give the fleas to cats or dogs. Fleas can easily be transferred from one animal to another. Do cats and dogs get the same fleas? Technically, cat and dog fleas are different species but each can infect the other. The only way you can tell the difference between the two is under a microscope.
How do you get rid of fleas on chickens?
Treatment of fleas, lice and mites in chickens: Suped-up Dust Bath. Chickens LOVE their dust baths ! Garlic is a potent natural cure-all for many many things, including parasites! In a food processor, whiz up the garlic until finely chopped. Diatomaceous earth, other chicken keeping posts you’ll love:, and essential oils are a couple extra items to pay attention too.
While I was writing we ran into the question “How can I get rid of chicken fleas?”.
Scrub the coop clean with either a water and vinegar solution, a commercial coop cleaner, or a 10% water and bleach solution. If you can remove the roosts, scrub them down outside and allow them to dry in the sun. Wait until the coop is entirely dry. While you wait for things to dry, treat the flock.
Can I get disease from chickens?
Yes, small flocks of chickens can carry diseases that we, as human, can get. But it really isn’t a serious risk- you are at far, far greater risk from being attacked by your neighbor’s dog or getting hurt on the drive to the grocery store. I’m not trying to make fun of your for being worried- it is a good thing to consider- but it really isn’t.
Do chickens look after their young chickens?
They will (or should) defend them from other chickens. They will give them better immunity against diseases then brooder raised chicks. They’ll teach them to roost.