What do lemur eat?

Here’s a list of common foods that lemurs eat: Bamboo
Bird Eggs

Tree bark


What do lemurs eat?

Lemurs are arboreal animals which means they spend most of their time in the trees. This explains that for the most part, their diet consists of trees, liana, herbs, and other woodland plants.

A common inquiry we ran across in our research was “What animal eats lemurs?”.

Lemur and their Natural Threats. The Lemur doesn’t have very many natural predators out there. However, there are a few of them that they have to be wary of. The Fossa is the main natural predator of the Lemur. This is a type of cat like mammal that is only found in the area of the Madagascar Islands.

The diet of lemurs varies among species. Often the smaller lemur species feed primarily on fruit and insects while larger species are mostly herbivorous, chowing down on plant material such as fruits, leaves, flowers, nectar, shoots, bark, and sap.

What do bamboo lemurs eat?

The bamboo lemurs are characterized by a grey-brown fur, which varies by species. They are called bamboo lemurs because they almost exclusively eat bamboo. How bamboo lemurs can detoxify the high amounts of cyanide (from bamboo shoots) in their diets is unknown.

Are bamboo lemurs herbivores carnivores?

Greater bamboo lemurs are herbivores (folivores). The diet of this species consists of 98% giant bamboo and 2% flowers, leaves, soil and fruits. Unlike other lemurs, these animals are known to consume mature leaves.

How do bamboo lemurs communicate with each other?

They communicate with a variety of sounds. They are called bamboo lemurs because they almost exclusively eat bamboo. How bamboo lemurs can detoxify the high amounts of cyanide (from bamboo shoots) in their diets is unknown.

Can you have a ring tailed lemur as a pet?

Since lemurs are wild animals, they are not safe to keep as pets. They could be very difficult to handle and may become dangerous in the long run, with their capacity to bite humans. How much does a ring tailed lemur cost? 2) Lemurs are expensive You can expect to pay between $2,500 and $10,000.