Where are saolas found?

They are known as the ‘Asian Unicorns’. The Saola, pronounced sow-la, meaning ‘spindle horns’ in Vietnamese, is found in only one place in the world: the Annamite Mountains forests on the border between Vietnam and Laos. This of course begs the query “Where do saolas live?” The Saola is found in Laos and Vietnam. More … Read more

How fast can a saola run?

A saola is herbivorous by nature, that is it does not feed on other animals or hunt them down. This species can run at a speed of 23 mph (37 kph). What does a saola eat? It eats fig leaves and other plant material (seeds, fruit and berries) that can be found near the riverbanks. … Read more

How many saola are in the wild?

First discovered in 1992, the saola remains largely a mystery to humans. Scientists have only seen them in the wild on four separate occasions. Only 70-100 saola remain in the wild, with current estimates favoring the lower range of this figure. They live along the Vietnam-Laos border. The most usefull answer is, often called the … Read more

Why are saolas becoming extinct?

Another reason for the loss of these species is loss in habitat. Humans destroy the forests where saolas live and use them for agriculture and other infrastructures. This either fragments the saola population or reduces the size of their habitat. Fragmentation will also decrease genetic diversity and create issues like inbreeding. Why are saola going … Read more

How do saola care for their offspring?

There is little information available on parental investment of saola, although Artiodactyl young are generally precocious. Like other members of the family, it is likely that most parental care is provided by the mother. Young receive nourishment from mother’s milk, protection from mother, and probably some form of grooming. It is not known whether saola … Read more

Why are saolas critically endangered?

Saola is threatened primarily by hunting, rather than habitat loss. The main hunting threat comes from commercial poaching, not subsistence hunting by local people. In Southeast Asia, most endangered species of wildlife are threatened by targeted offtake for the wildlife trade, either for bushmeat or traditional Asian medicine. Our chosen answer was the saola is … Read more

What does the saola eat?

It eats fig leaves and other plant material (seeds, fruit and berries) that can be found near the riverbanks. Saola is diurnal (active during the day) animal. It is the most active during morning and later in the afternoon. Then, what kind of plants do saola eat? Robichaud offered spleenwort (Asplenium) fern species, broad dark-green … Read more

How many saola left?

36) The difficult terrain of their remote location makes scientific study difficult, but the best guess is that there are anywhere from 100 to 700 Saolo left in the wild. The population in Laos is believed to be larger than that in Vietnam, but both Saola populations may be below 100 at this point. This … Read more

How many saolas are there?

36) The difficult terrain of their remote location makes scientific study difficult, but the best guess is that there are anywhere from 100 to 700 Saolo left in the wild. The population in Laos is believed to be larger than that in Vietnam, but both Saola populations may be below 100 at this point. How … Read more

Why is the saola called the asian unicorn?

“This is how the saola got the nickname ‘Asian unicorn,’ because it’s an animal you can’t see and can’t find, ” he said. As far as anyone knows, there are fewer than 100 saolas left on Earth, and all of them live in pockets of dense rain forest in the Annamite Mountains of Vietnam and … Read more