How many eggs does a chicken lay in a week?

Most chickens lay 5-6 eggs in a week. However this number can vary based upon breed, age, and seasonal changes. Another thing we asked ourselves was, how many eggs does a chicken lay a day? Chickens can lay at least one egg per day. But it does not mean that every hen can lay an … Read more

Can I order just a bucket of chicken at kfc?

Cole Slaw (180 calories, 150 milligrams sodium)Light String Cheese (50 calories, 160 milligrams sodium)Caesar Side Salad Without Croutons or Dressing (40 calories, 90 milligrams of sodium)Side Salad Without Dressing (15 calories, 10 milligrams of sodium). Another thing we wanted the answer to was: what is the price of KFC chicken bucket? The favorite answer is … Read more

Why put apple cider vinegar in chicken water?

½ teaspoon of honey¼ cup boiling water (stir with honey)Dash of cayenne pepper1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar¼ cup of cold water to make mixture lukewarm. Optional: Fresh or ground ginger or ½ clove of crushed garlic. Soaking your uncooked chicken in a marinade containing vinegar can add flavor and moisture to it, while also … Read more

Why does a chicken have white and dark meat?

Red meat has become a demonized ingredient in recent years. But researchers in California find white meat poses an equal risk to blood cholesterol levels, which can lead to heart disease. This was true even if a person’s overall diet was low in saturated fatA diet which excludes meat was found to do the least … Read more

Where does chicken tortilla soup originate?

There is very little available history about tortilla soup. Some trace it to Central Mexico. Others say it originated in Mexico City where it is a favorite. Still others claim its lack of history indicates it originated in the Southwest in the 1960s. My money is on Diane Kennedy, “The Julia Child of Mexican Cuisine.”. … Read more

Which chickens have feathers on their feet?

Rhode Island Reds were my very first chickens, and so, of course, they had to be Number one on the list. Australorp chickens are also one of the top layers averaging 250 light brown eggs a year. A couple more things to look into are: barred plymouth rock, leghorns, sussex, easter egger, cochin, silkie, buff … Read more

Can a chicken egg hatch without a rooster?

No, hens cannot hatch chicks from eggs without a rooster being present in the flock. Without a rooster, their eggs cannot be fertilized, it’s impossible. Broody hens will still sit on unfertilized eggs though. While writing we ran into the query “Will chicken eggs hatch without rooster?”. The hens will still lay eggs without the … Read more

Can chicken stock be substituted for broth?

Yes, broth and stock are interchangeable in most recipes. If you need to substitute broth for stock, keep in mind that if your broth is store bought, it may be salted which can affect the way your dish turns out. It is not uncommon for people to use chicken stock and broth to substitute for … Read more

Where does chicken noodle soup originate from?

450g fresh thin Hokkien noodles1 tablespoon peanut oil3cm piece ginger, peeled, finely chopped2 garlic cloves, crushed2 small red chillies, deseeded, finely chopped6 cups Campbell’s Real Stock Chicken Salt Reduced500g chicken breast fillets, trimmed2 tablespoons light soy sauce1 teaspoon sesame oil3 teaspoons brown sugar, and more items. Beginning in the 1700s in Italy, folks began feeding … Read more

How do chickens keep their heads still?

In simple terms, chickens’ eyes don’t have the ability to focus on a stationary objects while their bodies are moving. Keeping their heads still is their way of correcting their vision. Why do chickens’heads stay still when their bodies get moved? Depending on where the neck is cut, you will see a decapitated chicken move … Read more