Why is the saola rare?

The population of Saola seems to be in great danger, mostly because of the hunting pressure, that thins the already low number of these animals. Only 18 years after being introduced to the Western society, the Saola are on the brink of extinction. A stamp portraying a Saola.

Do saola exist in the wild?

Often called the Asian unicorn, little is known about the enigmatic saola in the two decades since its discovery. None exist in captivity and this rarely-seen mammal is already critically endangered . Scientists have categorically documented saola in the wild on only four occasions to date.

You may be wondering “How many saolas are there?”

I learned the saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis) is listed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Formal surveys have yet to be taken to determine accurate population numbers, but the IUCN estimates the total population to be between 70 and 750 and declining.

Map data provided by IUCN. The saola was discovered in May 1992 during a joint survey carried out by the Ministry of Forestry of Vietnam and WWF in north-central Vietnam. The team found a skull with unusual long, straight horns in a hunter’s home and knew it was something extraordinary.

Why is saola important?

Why the Saola is important One reason the Saola is important is because they are prey to animals like tigers and Dholes, and that’s important because if the Saola go, then some of the Saola’s predators might go, starve, or have one less thing to eat. Another reason why they are important: Some people of Laos and Vietnam depend on them for meat.

And lastly, they are important because they are one of the the few large animals out there in the region. If we can’t save this animal, we might not be able to save other animals in the Vietnam region. Interesting fact: According to All About Wildlife, the Saola is the sixth animal on the Ten Most Endangered Animals list for 2014.

What is the Saola Working Group doing for saola?

The Saola Working Group has partnered with the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) to draft an Action Plan for the Conservation Breeding of Saola, in consultation with the government of Lao PDR (Go. L) and government of Vietnam (Go. V).

They also sometimes get caught in snares that have been set to catch animals raiding crops, such as wild boar, sambar, and muntjac.